

Welcome to the new web of the Franciscanes school Vilassar of Mar, officially called “La Persentació de la Mare de Déu” and known for all them vilassarencs like “the school of the Nuns”. 
this web want to show you how is our school, who are those that bring it daily, how do we work , which offer to the children that fill him and which is the result of all these efforts.

We have already explained in our History, our school was founded does more than 100 years on demand of the families of our village in order to that the girls, in those times, the most disregarded population, had an education of quality. 

The year 2006, in the celebration of the 125th anniversary of the school chose a lemma that said “125 years learning together. We know our roots to build a better future” and, in spite of that happen the years, this lemma is valid and follows guiding our path.

“Learning together” because we learn all of all. The students of the master, the teachers of the students, of the families, of the religious, of the surroundings…

“We know our roots …” Because there are two reasons for which founded the school that it is necessary not forgetting. The mission of the Religious Franciscan Missionary was to receive and give a good education to the sector of the population that, to finals of the 19th century, more needed it, and therefore came to Vilassar de Mar to found a school of girls. And the school is to Vilassar because them vilassarencs like this have wanted it, of first doing the timely negotiations because the religious accessed to his request and during all these years, because they have followed trusting his children’s education and daughters to this school centre.

“… To build a better future”, because faithful to the two before mentioned reasons, in spite of the changes in the society, the improvements in education to our country and to our village, it is necessary to follow having the open doors to those sectors of the population that more need it, in addition to going renewing day in day out our commitment with the village that receive us, taking part actively in his social and cultural life to strengthen the rooting to the surroundings and like this teach to our students to love Vilassar of Mar.

We live in a world every day bigger and every day more next. We live in a world in which the science and the technical advance and his advances surprise us. We live in a world in which the personal and social values change and evolve. Therefore, we educate our students for the world of today and in the world of today but as we believe in the future although we do not know how will be when our students have to face, our objective is to strengthen his roots because if these roots are deep, the values internalized and the habits attained will allow them be people that surpass the adversities and ariseday by day.

Since the day of the foundation of the school, what defines us is that we are a familiar school, open-minded, integrated, solidarityand committed.

The current educational community, with more layer personal  that religious sisters, have taken the relief to those five religious that began the work and following his example, have consolidated a way to “do” and to “be” that it guides us in our day in day out and has to allow us follow educating free people, critical, responsible and prepared for a world as changing.

If already you form part of our educational community, invite you to visit this space web where will find all the information that is necessary you to know the day in day out of the school and if, still do not form part of our big family, this space will allow you begin to know our educational proposal but, especially, invite you to visit our centre where always will be well received.

If you have any suggestion on the web, on the school, on our educational proposal, do not doubt to keep in touch with us.

Always at your service,

Titularity and Management  Team